I changed the name on the blog so I am going to copy my last 3 posts onto this page so you can see where we started:
Sept 13th-"New Beginnings"
So my very first blog post is entitled New Beginnings....for the beginning of this blog, and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Two weeks ago Jeff and I found out that we are expecting our first child in May! We are almost 7 weeks into our 40 week journey.
I gotta tell you...it is really hard to keep it a secret! I know the protocol is to wait until after your first trimester to officially announce your pregnancy...but it is hard to cover up my lack of drinking, waves of nauseousness, dizziness, and our overall excitement. Really, we WANT to tell people. We are so excitied!!! So we have the "short list" of people that we have told and are going to tell and then we will wait to tell everyone else at least until after our doctor's appointment on the 24th....wish us luck!!!!
Then I was really bad and didn't write again until yesterday Nov 10th-The title of the blog was "Terrible Blogger"
OK I can admit it...I am a terrible blogger! I guess its a good thing I didn't make the blog public after my first entry. I really have no good excuse not to be writing so I am going to try again.
Lots of people have been asking for pictures of "Prego Jessie"...well truthfully I look the same, just a little chubby...have gained about 5 pounds. I am just about 16 weeks along and feeling very good. I am glad to be past the morning sickness and the tiredness. I am actually feeling like my old self again. This morning I took a nice walk on the treadmill and Jeff and I took the pups to the park and tonight we are going to the Billy Joel concert. I am actually really excited! It is nice not to have to go to bed at 8:30!!!
More to come soon... I will post pics as soon as I pop, I promise!
Sunday Nov 11th:
Then today I woke up and realized that I needed to post again because as I was getting dressed last night for the concert, I realized that I totally lied yesterday. I am 16 weeks along and I am definitely starting to show...so here's the first prego pic. :-) Jeff took it and of course made me laugh so ignore the silly look on my face. And yes, I am wearing maternity jeans because my normal jeans just don't cut it anymore. Maternity jeans: kind of like sweatpants but without the drawstring...so weird! I am not really big enough to hold them up yet so I spend much of the time I am wearing them pulling them up. It's okay though because they are much more comfortable than my normal jeans right now and I know I will soon fill them out with no problem!

As I was uploading the picture I realized that I have been pretty bad about uploading pics lately. So I am going to post a few here to update you on the last few weeks of life.
Stephen came to visit the weekend of Oct 12th. We had a good time despite that fact that I was still in in the first trimester (11 weeks along). On Saturday I chauffeured Stephen, Marty, and Jeff to Napa for a long day of wine tasting. The big question was "Jessie-how was it? You went to Napa and didn't drink a thing???" Truthfully it was totally fine. I was in good spirits and was with great company. Jeff was thrilled not to be driving me around for once so he definitely took advantage of the situation. He says I still owe him a few more trips!!!

Halloween 2007
Halloween was a little different this year, much more tame than years past. On the Saturday prior, we took the dogs to the Potrero Pet Parade (a local parade for charity.) We dressed up the pups and took them down to have their portraits taken. The pics were free, and we haven't gotten them yet, so who knows if we ever will. Sierra was a pimp (some of you have seen this costume before...last time she wore it, it was falling off of her...this time, not so much!) and Foster was a pumpkin. They looked really cute (OK so maybe only a mother would say that!)

Then that night we went to a Halloween/Birthday party at our friend Bill's house. Jeff actually had two costumes...check it out...
Yes, Jeff wore a bag over his head as an embarrassed Florida Fan after the Gators lost to Georgia. So sad...is been a tough season for our young Gator team.

Friday Nov 2nd-Monica came to visit
Mons came to visit her old SF stomping ground the weekend after Halloween. I was feeling so good, the crazy girl got me to stay out until 1:30 in the morning...by far the latest night in a really long time! Here we are before dinner....again, hard to see because it was taken on Monica's camera and I downloaded from Kodakgallery. Sorry!

Almost forgot, we've got to go way back to the weekend of August 10th, Dale and Elaine's wedding weekend....a weekend we will never forget ;-) Figured I should post a few pics from the conception weekend!
rehearsal dinner
Elaine and Jessie on Elaine's Big Day
Jeff and Dale (should I be nervous??!!!)
So, for a bad blogger, that was a pretty long post, huh! More to come....
Hey Jessie-
Just wanted to let you know how happy and excited I am for you guys- yea baby Goslin! You have a babysitter/pedi nurse waiting!
Yippee...a Baby Goslin blog!
We are so honored to share our wedding date with the little one's official conception date!
I also love the fact that the due date is Cinco de Mayo...seems only fitting for a Goslin! :)
Love - Dale & Elaine
I'm so excited for you both! And this blog is a great way to keep us all updated. Miss you both, and hope to see you soon.
p.s. I was conceived during the weekend of my Uncle's wedding, lol. Maybe wedding conceptions are pretty common?! ;-)
nice pics....did you tell mom about this yet??
Yes, the paternal grandparents are VERY EXCITED and can't wait for the new GATOR BABY!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!
I hope its a boy so he can "Supa-man dat hoe!"
I am pretty sure that anonymous comment about "supa-man dat hoe" is from my boyfriend.
Jessie, great blog...preggers is a great look on you! You are super hot!
Jessie, this blog is awesome, and you look beautiful preggers! I am so excited for you guys, and I can't wait until Baby "Hunter" Goslin comes! :) Matt and I definitely need to come out to SF and visit soon. Miss you tons!
Congrats again! This is just fantastic! We're glad you are feeling better - enjoy this time to get out and do things (including driving Jeff around). We can't wait to see you in all your preggo glory in Feb. :)
Brad and Les
GREAT Blog. Welcome to the world of bloggers. Love it. Your pics are great. I'm going to link to you right now. You better keep this thing current. Remember - you're doing it for Baby Goslin. It's a great way to keep track of your pregnancy and then eventually share it with the baby.
Love you,
Jessie and Jeff! Congratulations! Wow, how exciting...keep me posted :)
Jackie Estes
YAY! YAY! YAY! Welcome to the cult that is Blogging. And congratulations to you two! That baby is going to lead one crazy life with y'all as his/her parents!
And, might I suggest the Belly Band!!! Google it if you don't know what it is. It will help you to wear some of your pre-maternity pants longer and make the maternity ones fit better and more comfortably! Email me if you can't find them.
There's going to be a "baby McDreamy?"
Jeff and Jessie,
We are so excited and wish you the best on your journey to parenthood, it is a wonderful one! Thanks for including us in your journey, keep up the blogs!
Your old Gator friends, from all the way in Guam...Micronesia...in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. We look forward to being back in Florida in July!
Go Gators
Brent "Eddie" Edson, Delia and Daniela
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