Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

He's Here!!!

So Jess had a rough go at it and is in recovery room. Can explain later. Here he is though.

Born: 04/30/2008 @ 10:35pm PDT
Weight: 7 pounds, 12 ounces
Size: No one has told me yet
Name: To be announced later...

All smiles now...
Pics of Jess and the fam (and a name) come later.

It's Almost Go Time

So Jess just got examined again and I was wrong. This kid is going to be born today, not in the middle of the night on May 1st. She's 10cm dilated and he's in the +1 position. The doctor said she will start pushing at 6pm and Jess should get some rest. Problem is she is really scared and kind of freaking out. Hopefully Mare said something to help calm her down.

All I know if she thinks she is scared and freaking out, what the hell am I? I'm a mess. Shhhh...don't tell her until after she's done.

Alright, on a lighter note...still no name. Then again we haven't been discussing in a while. I think we're both ignoring it in hopes that the other picks our choice.

Wish us luck and we'll have more to say after he's born.

Mid Day Update - Things Are Moving...

...Just seems like they are slower. Jess says she can barely feel the contractions and thought that they may have stopped (epidurals are known to slow things down we hear).

Just had a check up though and she's up to 6cm, so they will come back and check again in a couple hours. I'm not going to lie, the doc freaked me out when she said she touched the head.

Seriously, with Jess on the epidural, it's pretty boring just waiting around here. I mean if you're going to come out early kid, get a move on. I've cruising ESPN biding time while she was resting.

So still no name. I've been pushing to let fate decide. I've proposed 3 options:
1) Rock-paper-scissors
2) Even/odds
3) Put each of our top 2 picks in a hat to and picking one out

So this made me laugh...stick figure on the bed is pregnant.

He's Early!

Special Guest Blogger - Jeff

So this morning I was downstairs waiting on a call and Jess hollered to me. I responded, heard nothing back and figured she was just checking to see if I was still home. Came up to get dressed for work and she was out of bed and in the shower well before her normal wake-up time (it was about 10 to 8). I was about ready to head out when Jess came out of the shower and said she woke up because her water broke (at 7:45am). What?!?!

So we were both confused and had no idea what to do. I said I should probably work from home today rather than going to the office. Didn't even cross my mind we should head to the hospital STAT, because baby prep class made me feel like we had a good half day before anything would happen. Jess called the hospital and they said come on in to get checked out. We were moving in slow motion getting out of the house in no hurry. Told the carpenter we were going to have the baby and good luck with the rest of the crown molding and base boards.

On the way here, we called the Deeks to see if they would help with the pups tonight and called the contractor to say we couldn't meet him at the house at 1. I texted a bunch of people to let them know baby was coming. I liked the responses from my jack ass friends that she would have to hold her legs shut until May 5th. To answer your question, no they won't be able to keep him in for 5 days (I mean, not that I asked...).

At the hospital, they ran some tests and kind of made it sound like it may have been a false alarm. When the results came back, they said we were staying and she was moving right into active labor like clockwork (which apparently is rare).

She at 4.5cm now (needs to get to 10 before he comes out) and baby is getting lower (-2 now). Next check up will be in a couple hours. Pain started getting worse so she ordered up the epidural (got it at 11:45am), which I fortunately was not in the room to see (had to go grab lunch and besides me passing out would have been a bad thing). She's much more comfortable, so now we're debating names...still can't agree. Also, I think she's going miss her scheduled 2pm doctors appointment today.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cinco de Mayo


In the United States, the "Batalla de Puebla" came to be known as simply "5 de Mayo" and unfortunately, many people wrongly equate it with Mexican Independence which was on September 16, 1810, nearly a fifty year difference. Over, the years Cinco de Mayo has become very commercialized and many people see this holiday as a time for fun and dance. Oddly enough, Cinco de Mayo has become more of Chicano holiday than a Mexican one. Cinco de Mayo is celebrated on a much larger scale here in the United States than it is in Mexico. People of Mexican descent in the United States celebrate this significant day by having parades, mariachi music, folklorico dancing and other types of festive activities.

Just thought I would share that little tid bit since we are getting all hyped up on a cinco de mayo baby! I found some pics of cinco de mayo 2006. Something tells me this year will be much more tame!!!!

Abby, Stephen, Me, Salima
Me and Monica
That studly hubby of mine!

Monday, April 28, 2008

No Baby Yet, Keeping Busy

A week left until cinco de mayo. I swear since not working, this baby is very content inside of Mommy! Maybe we really will make it until next Monday...who knows!

We took advantage of the gorgeous weather this weekend. On Saturday we took a spontaneous trip up to Napa, and played bocce ball with Marty and Jim. Goslin's beat Deeken's by 1 point. Jeff couldn't be happier! Then Sunday we went to the Giants game. Although the Giants got killed by the Reds, we had a great time and enjoyed being outdoors. Hope you all are doing well and saying prayers for a happy healthy baby Goslin any day now!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wine Tasting in week 38

Somehow Jeff talked me into going up to Sonoma second sober trip to wine country! We had such a great time. We picked up Marty and Jim in the morning and went up for a surprise "private tasting" for the Jeff Goslin party...please note there was a full on printed menu and we were seated up on the outside balcony of the fancy! Apparently Jeff is bigtime! We laughed alot. While the 3 of them enjoyed very large pours of almost every wine that the winemaker bottles, I was designated cheese and dried fruit taster! I loved the dried cranberries! Of course I had a few sips here and there, how could you not!?

In other news, my parents and Cara and Chip went out "mudding" this weekend in South Florida. They sent some pics that made me laugh so I thought I would share. Apparently it's still called mudding when there isn't any mud? They said they had a fabulous time playing in the woods!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Baby Update

In my 38th week of pregnancy and measuring at 38 that's good.I owe you a picture because I am just huge...gained 5 pounds in 2 weeks...yikes!
The doctor says that's a good thing...whatever!!! :-)

My doc is on vacation this week so we saw a different doctor today (yes, we....Jeff is home this was so nice to have him at the doc with me!). She was really nice and told us the same old same old...the baby is really really low...she seemed surprised by how low he is and showed us where he would normally be at this time. Then we went through the whole labor thing again, when to call, when to go to the hospital etc. She reminded us he can come any day now. Jeff is still hoping for a cinco de mayo baby, but I dunno...that's a ways away! She estimated that the baby is a "medium sized baby" probably about 8 pounds.

That's the story...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Blog Tag

Misty tagged me, so here goes...

What was I doing 10 years ago?
In April of 1998 I was still in college at The University of Florida. It's so hard to remember I think I was living in the AOPi house with Nicole Whaley, a couple doors down from Marisa and Katie....but that actually may have been April of 1999...who knows...10 years is so long ago!!!!

5 things on my to-do list for today?
1. Mail in NY taxes (yes I had to file NY taxes because I travel there for least they owe ME money!)
2. Schedule a massage for tomorrow, my last prenatal massage (I never did it-I will call tomorrow morning to see if I can fit in)
3. Mail back the bathroom light bar I bought looked much better on the computer then in real life
4. Category Management interview with Oliver Wyman...they paid to talk to me as an industry expert...funny! I love making money on maternity leave
5. Pick out knobs and pulls for the kitchen cabinets

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Spinach dip
2. Cheese and crackers and/or baguette
3. Chips and Salsa with guacamole
4. Trail mix with almonds and cashews
5. Fro Yo with chocolate sprinkles

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:(this is in no particular order)
1. Pay off our house and buy one in Laurel Heights (SF), South Florida, Tahoe, and somewhere tropical
2. Pay off my parents house, buy all my sisters houses, and pay off all Jeff's brothers and sisters houses
3. Make sure that my parents and Jeff's parents are set up for fabulous retirements
4. Pay off my student loans, Jeff's student loans, and those of all our siblings
5. Give back to charities, especially those doing research for Diabetes, Cerebral Palsy, Breast Cancer, and cancer in general

5 bad habits:
1. Saying "like" and "um" all the time when I talk
2. making a weird noise when I scratch my throat--its my signature and I know its so annoying
3. food envy--can't have a different meal than me or I will be so jealous
4. siting next to my husband in the living room, side by side on our laptops--how romantic!
5. not putting the seat cover down after I use the restroom--makes Jeff crazy

5 places I've lived:
1. Hartford, CT
2. Mt. Tabor, NJ
3. Palm Beach Gardens, FL
4. Atlanta, GA
5. San Francisco, CA

5 jobs I've had:
A walk down memory are more than 5
1. Contempo Casuals--remember that store? Slutty teenage clothes. Kelly and I worked there in High School before I even drove. She had to pick me up in her red little car. We always used to listen to the Reality Bites soundtrack on the way to work! Funny the things you remember.
2. Parkers Lighthouse-Breadgirl and hostess--yes, random, I baked the bread and then walked around and delivered bread to tables. I have the burns on my arms to prove it. They had the best cheddar bacon biscuits. Kelly worked there too I think.
3. RJ Gators-hostess and waitress-we ALL worked at RJ Gators. Kelly, Pat, all my sisters...Ridiculous! It was a fun job though. And they had the best honey mustard chicken salad.
4. Maui Teriyaki-this was the weirdest job. I cashiered for this really weird Vietnamese restaurant in college. Everyone smoked pot in the back room...and they only had like 4 things on the menu...ODD!
5. Assistant Buyer at Rich's Lazarus Goldsmith's
6. Real Estate Agent
7. Buyer at Macys West and Macys South

I was tagged by Misty, and I get to tag 5 people:
Kelly Douglas
Rachel Huse
Lauren Goslin (Misty tagged you too!)
Suzi Sidman
Dale Chang--he won't do it I bet since he hasn't updated his blog in MONTHS!!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh and by the way...

This whole not working thing...I can totally get used to it!
I feel great, and am so relaxed. It's amazing! Just resting and preparing for our little son to arrive! Yes, I am still crossing my fingers he comes early, but am not feeling so miserable this week!

I love our kitchen.. And our dogs!

Random title for a post, but true.

I know its not done yet, but I love the kitchen more and more every day!
Here are a few pics updated with the granite installed...and a reminder of what the kitchen looked like before demolition. What an upgrade already, right?

This is what it used to look like!!!

As for the pups, we had a really great weekend with the dogs playing at the beach and in the park...they were so tired from their weekend they havent even requested to go outside at all today!!! How cute are they?!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Week 37 update

Last Day of work:
My last day of work was was very surreal. I kept busy yesterday and today running errands and catching up with friends. It really just felt like I had a couple of days off. The weather today was GORGEOUS--sunny and about 75 degrees (its never that warm here) so I took the dogs on a nice walk, sat in the back yard, and walked down by the water. I'm definitely in good spirits and feel better this week than I did last week, but I am ready for little baby boy to enter the world!

Things seem to be moving along with the remodel. The tile guys layed out the bathroom tile today. Granite is going in on Monday so they can start the backsplash and kitchen floor. Here are some pics...

The bathroom floor

Kitchen from foyer entrance

Kitchen (where the brick wall used to be-- big opening is for the fridge, small opening is for the wine fridge)
Kitchen-View from Dining Room

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hooray for Cabinets!!!

The carpenters were here today and we have progress! Can't wait to see the finished product!
This is the big cabinet where the oven/micro combo will be backed in the corner over near the archway to the dining room.
Today was a great day! I wasn't feeling so hot and was super busy at work and then at around 1:45 a few of my girlfriends came over and grabbed me and said "let's go"...They surprised me a with a baby shower at a little local Tea room. It was so nice! It was just what I needed today...a little R and R with my friends from work! Once again, the little man is spoiled!!!! He has many people to meet and to thank upon his arrival!

Love you all!

Baby Update

Went to the doctor on Tuesday and guess what? This little baby is ready to go! He has dropped down low into my pelvis, a process known as "lightening" for all of my non mommy friends. The doctor felt his head and basically said he can come now or a month from now. Hearing those words is soooo crazy...the anticipation is killing us! Physically my body is soooooo ready...mentally I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we are going to be parents in te next few weeks. Someone's life is going to be be dependant upon us, and that is just so scary! We love this boy more than anything we ever have, also a new feeling for us...can't wait to meet him!

I pasted a couple of little blurbs I found about "lightening" below. When I got home from the doc, I googled like crazy to see if I could find anything that would tell me how much time we have before baby comes. Almost everything said the same thing, on your first child, labor can occur anywhere from a few days to a few weeks after the baby who knows!

Lightening: Adjusting the pressure

One of the first signs of labor may be a sensation that the baby is settling deeper into your pelvis. This is known as lightening.

The baby's new position may give your lungs more room to expand, making it easier to breathe. On the flip side, you may experience pelvic discomfort, and increased pressure on your bladder may send you to the bathroom more often.

For a first pregnancy, lightening may occur weeks or days before labor begins. For subsequent pregnancies, it may not happen ahead of time. For some women, the changes are obvious. Others may not notice a thing.
(FYI, I noticed...breathing is much easier but my legs are so sore and the bathroom is where I spend increasingly more of my time)

Signs That Labor is Near
Before labor begins, many women have signs that labor is approaching. The
majority of women expecting their first baby feel lightening about two to three
weeks before the onset of labor. The feeling occurs because the baby begins to
settle into the lower part of the pelvis. That is why people often say, “the baby
dropped” when they refer to lightening. As the baby moves downward, the
fundus (top) of the uterus no longer presses on the diaphragm, and you can
breathe more easily after lightening. As the baby presses downward, however,
you may notice leg cramps or pains due to pressure on the nerves that pass
through the pelvis, more pressure on your urinary bladder (more trips to the
bathroom), more pelvic pressure, more swelling of the feet and ankles when you
are on your feet too long...

Baby Name:
Poor little guy still doesn't have a name. We just can't agree. If you haven't voted in our poll below I urge you to do so :-) We are takaing the results into consideration in our decision! (Salima, we were going to survey monkey all of south beach but couldn't get there!!!)

Coming along, but now seems to be a little slower. Suppososedly cabinets are going up today. Sure hope so...just in case! :-) I can't really pack my hospital bag when I don't have clean clothes to put into it! Going to ur friends to do laundry this weekend while Jeff is out of town.